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NAA Webinar:  "How to Speak Maintenance”

NAA Webinar: "How to Speak Maintenance”

5 things your maintenance team wish you understood

Thursday, November 18, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

Maintenance is where the rubber meets the road. However, sometimes it seems like maintenance is from Mars and management is from Venus! This leads to misunderstandings, miscommunications and sometimes even resignations. Vicki Sharp, will share a few tips in 20 minutes about building a better relationship with your maintenance team.

Truly, maintenance is the magic glue for every site. Take care of them like you wish others took care of you!

In this webinar learn what maintenance wants …
• Respect their time. Not everything is an emergency.
• Run interference. When residents complain, find out both sides before reacting.
• Talk to them before making a commitment. Not everything “just takes 5 minutes".
• Bring them out of the shadows. Take advantage of their knowledge, use them to help solve issues.
• Use them. Even though you may be the “boss”, you and your maintenance team are partners in the success of the property.